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David Pinkava makes use of a disorganized,
organically evolving library of templates.
He works primarily in the medium of drawing.

* 1995, Prague


Academy of Fine Arts in Prague


shows etc. :

2024 – Heartbeaten, Holešovická Šachta, CZ

2024 – Třpytky: Pain3, Nová Perla, CZ

2022 – The Somnambulists, Kunstverein Eisenstadt, AT
2022 – 1AMto6AM, festival trať 22, CZ
2021 – Něžná/The Meek One/ Karlín Studios, CZ
2019 – PROSTORY GRAFICKÉHO MYŠLENÍ: Dalibor Smutný, Ateliér Grafika I. AVU, Galerie Hollar, CZ

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